Avinash Jain served 25 years and founder Partner of TRIM ENGINEERING SERVICES taken care of Marketing, fund etc.
Social Responsibility: Running School of Samaj (About 3000 + Student)
Secretary: Jain International Organisation

Rajkumar Jain Chief Executive Trim Engineering services Exp 30 years taken care of Marketing & exports.
Ex President: JCI Kota, Jain Social Group, Kota
SSI Association: Vice President in 2016
Past: Secretary Executive members of Blood Bank society
Past: Zone Coordinator JCI India Zone 5
Past: Zone Coordinator JSG Northern region
Past: Executive member Khandelwal Jain Samaj
Members: Indian textile Machinery Manufacturer association
Members: Engineering Export Promotion Council

Social Responsibility: Ex president JCI Kota Jeyceerate Wing
Member: Executive member of JSG Sanganee, Kota

7 years Experienced.